WoD: Einträge des Dungeonkompendiums (Update) ³

WoD: Einträge des Dungeonkompendiums

{gspeech}Der kürzlich auf die Testserver der aktuell laufenden Alphaphase zu Warlords of Draenor aufgespielte neue Build 18297 beinhaltete neben neuen Modellen und einer Reihe von Klassenänderungen auch einige vorläufige Versionen der Einträge für das Dungeonkompendium in Draenor. Auch wenn viele dieser Texte nicht sonderlich aussagekräftig sind und es sich bei einigen Fähigkeiten vermutlich nur um Platzhalter handelt, gibt es doch auch den ein oder anderen recht interessanten Boss. Dazu gehören unter anderem neue Versionen von Gruul, Blackhand, Kargath Messerfaust und Ner’zhul.

Update: Der neue Build 18322 hat einige weitere Einträge mit sich gebracht.{/gspeech}

Grimrail Depot

Brain and Brawn

  • Lore: Pauli Rocketspark, chief foreman of the Grimrail Depot, has been enlisted by Garrosh Hellscream to build the technology required for the Iron Horde’s infrastructure. Given the dim-witted assistant Borka to do the heavy lifting, Pauli Rocketspark set about building the train, the Grimrail.
  • Übersicht: Borka the Brute assaults players with powerful physical attacks, as Pauli Rocketspark uses his jet pack to move between locations on the platform, firing missiles when he lands. Rocketspark periodically unleashes a Missile Barrage, damaging all players. If Borka’s Mad Dash strikes Rocketspark at that time, it will disrupt his Missile Barrage.
  • Fähigkeiten:

Blackrock Assault Commander

Thunderlord General


Auchindoun Defense Construct

Soulbinder Nyami

  • Lore: /
  • Übersicht: Soulbinder Nyami twists the spirits of fallen Auchindoun partisans into weapons of her own will. Whilst combating these spirits, players should be aware of her deadly torus-shaped spell, Soul Vessel.
  • Fähigkeiten:

Azzakel, Vanguard of the Legion

  • Lore: On Argus – the former homeworld of the Draenei, now the stronghold of the Burning Legion – Azzakel waits, poised for a servant of the Legion to open a portal to one of the countless worlds they seek to invade. As Soulbinder Nyami lowers the defenses of Auchindoun, Azzakel senses that his services will soon be employed towards the destruction of the holiest of Draenei temples.
  • Übersicht: Azzakel alternates between engaging players directly in combat and summoning reinforcements from the demon world Argus. While summoning reinforcements, Azzakel cannot be attacked and players should focus on quickly defeating the reinforcements that emerge from the portal, so that they are not overwhelmed as more demons invade.
  • Fähigkeiten:

Spires of Arak

Ranjit, Master of the Four Winds

  • Lore: The Arakkoa’s penultimate Chakradhaari, Ranjit has mastered the secret techniques required to create gale force winds with his chakra.
  • Übersicht: Ranjit will different chakras that create zones that move or rotate. Standing in these zones will incur significant damage. Ranjit’s Fan of Blades ability will hit all enemies and inflict damage over time. Spear Strike inflicts significant damage on Ranjit’s current tank target.
  • Fähigkeiten:


  • Lore: /
  • Übersicht: Rukhran will resurrect nearby Piles of Ash into phoenixes that will chase a random player until they either reach their target, or they are reduced to 1 hitpoint. When either of these occurs the phoenix will explode, damaging the entire party and activating any nearby Piles of Ash. If Rukhran is not engaged in melee combat he will Screech, inflicting severe damage on the entire zone until melee combat is resumed. Pierce Armor will apply a significant debuff to any tank that does not have their Active Mitigation enabled.
  • Fähigkeiten:


  • Lore: A construct of ancient Arakkoan civilization powered by the light of the sun.
  • Übersicht: Araknath will awaken random Sun Construct Prototypes located around the edge of the arena. These prototypes will focus a beam on Araknath that will heal it unless players stand in the path of the beam to prevent this. Burst inflicts a great deal of damage to any enemies that remain close to Araknath.
  • Fähigkeiten:

High Justicar Viryx

  • Lore: /
  • Übersicht: High Justicar Viryx will enlist the aid of two different adds during the encounter in addition to targeting players with the Arakkoa’s massive beam weapon. Zealots will carry players off the edge of the platform to fall to their death. Shield Constructs will prevent all damage to High Justicar Viryx until they are dispatched. High Justicar Viryx will also call on the Arakkoa’s great concentrated light weapon. The beam of this weapon will chase a random player for a short duration, leaving damaging zones in its path.
  • Fähigkeiten:

Shadowmoon Burial Grounds

Sadana Bloodfury


  • Lore: /
  • Übersicht: Bonemaw will attempt to inhale all players. You must be stuck to the platform with Necrotic Pitch in order to prevent becoming inhaled. Bonemaw will summon the help of nearby Carrion Centipedes.
  • Fähigkeiten:

Nhallish, Feaster of Souls


  • Lore: /
  • Übersicht: Ner’zhul will summon an army of shadow and death which marches across his platform, eradicating all life in its path. Ner’zhul will channel an Omen of Death near random players, inflicting critical damage to players who stand too close. The closer that players stand to the Omen, the more damage they will take.
  • Fähigkeiten:

Overgrown Outpost


  • Lore:
  • Übersicht:
  • Fähigkeiten:



  • Lore: /
  • Übersicht: As Witherbark attacks he consumes his stores of Aqueous Energy. At 0 Aqueous Energy, Witherbark gains Brittle Bark and Aqueous Globules form at the edge of the lake and move towards him. Each globule that reaches Witherbark restores 25 Aqueous Energy. If a globule crosses paths with an Unchecked Growth, it animates and attacks. At 100 Energy, Aqueous Globules no longer form and Witherbark loses Brittle Bark, freeing him to attack.
  • Fähigkeiten:
    • Brittle Bark
    • Parched Gasp
    • Unchecked Growth
      In Heroic difficulty, Witherbark can continue to cast Unchecked Growth even while affected by Brittle Bark.
    • Aqueious Globules – A sphere of pure magical water that moves in a line towards Witherbark. Each Aqueous Globule that reaches Witherbark restores 25 Aqueious Energy and bursts.


  • Lore:
  • Übersicht:
  • Fähigkeiten:

Kirin Tor

  • Lore:
  • Übersicht:
  • Fähigkeiten:


  • Lore:
  • Übersicht:
  • Fähigkeiten:


  • Lore:
  • Übersicht:
  • Fähigkeiten:

Highmaul (Raid)

Kargath Bladefist

  • Lore: Kargath Bladefist, Chieftain of the Shattered Hand, honed his brutal skills as a slave in the Ogre’s gladiatorial games. He slaughtered countless opponents for the promise of freedom, but after winning, was locked away with the other retired “champions”. Fueled by rage, Kargath tore off his own hand to escape and led a revolt that soaked Draenor in Ogre Blood. Now, he eagerly returns to the arena to teach you the true meaning of savagery.
  • Übersicht: Kargath’s Berserker Rush cannot be stopped until he either kills his target, or finds something else to take his anger out on. As the fight progresses, Iron Bombers and Drunken Bileslingers rain destruction from the arena stands. Players can dispatch these creatures after being tossed into the crowd by Kargath’s Chain Hurl. In Mythic difficulty, the raid must perform well to gain favor that is tracked by Roar of the Crowd. If the raid gains enough favor from Roar of the Crowd, the raid is granted increased damage dealing.
  • Fähigkeiten:
  • Drunken Bileslinger
  • Iron Bomber
  • Iron Grunt
  • Fire Pillar
  • Ravenous Bloodmaw

The Butcher

  • Lore: /
  • Übersicht: The Butcher will periodically choose the largest clump in melee range and Cleave them for shared damage. This attack leaves a damage over time effect, “Gushing Wounds,” on the victims that will instantly kill anyone who has reached 4 applications of Gushing Wounds. Every time the Butcher reaches 100 energy he will stomp, inflicting Physical damage to the entire raid and knocking them backwards. Shortly thereafter the Butcher will charge towards the largest clump of players and Cleave them. When the Butcher reaches 30% health remaining, he will Frenzy, causing him to inflict more damage and use his abilities more often.
  • Fähigkeiten:

Tecus, The Living Mountain

  • Lore: /
  • Übersicht: /
  • Fähigkeiten: /

Lord Krakkenspore

  • Lore: /
  • Übersicht: /
  • Fähigkeiten: /

Twin Ogron

  • Lore: /
  • Übersicht: The Twin Ogron combat players while performing attacks at specific energy thresholds. At 33 energy, the Ogron uses his special weapon attack. At 66 energy, the Ogron performs a large shout. Finally, at 100 energy, the Ogron performs a large, special attack. As the distance between the Ogron increases, their haste increases and casting time decreases, reducing the amount of time players have to react to various abilities.
  • Fähigkeiten:

Fel Breaker

  • Lore: Breaks Fel.
  • Übersicht: The Fel Breaker is protected by a Nullification Barrier that absorbs all magic damage taken. When the barrier is removed, he activates a rune that recharges it. While recharging, one player may also absorb some of the rune’s energy and receive a Nullification Barrier. As the fight progresses, an increasing amount of Overflowing Energy spill from the rune. These orbs of energy will float down and explode if they come into contact with a player or the ground. Players who have a Nullification Barrier can absorb Overflowing Energy to mitigate the amount of raid wide damage and prevent a lethal amount of damage from occurring
  • Fähigkeiten:

Imperator Gor’vidus

Blackrock Foundry (Raid)

Hans’gar and Franzok

  • Lore: Hans’gar and Franzok, twin brothers raised to become masterful brawlers of the Warsong clan. Both carved paths of glory on their way to become Warlord, but destiny had other plans. The brothers, unwilling to kill each other to claim leadership, were banished from the Warsong and left for dead. They survived, alone in the savage wilds of Draenor, and when the Iron Horde called, these powerful warriors found a new home among the massive war-machine.
  • Übersicht: Hans’gar and Franzok brawl inside a functional Blackrock forge. They periodically jump out of the fight space triggering hot plates on conveyor belts, presses that stamp down from overhead and flames from the grills.
  • Fähigkeiten:


The Blast Furnace

  • Lore: /
  • Übersicht: Players must disable the Blast Furnace by releasing the Fury it contains and then slaying that Fury. Players first disable the Blast Furnace’s Pressure Regulators while preventing the Blackrock Loaders from increasing the heat inside the Blast Furnace. Once both Pressure Regulators have been destroyed, the Fury escapes. Primal Elementalists join the fight and channel beams that lock the Fury in place. Once players have defeated all of the Primal Elementalists, the Fury is unleashed and is killable by the raid.
  • Fähigkeiten:

Kromog, Legend of the Mountain

  • Lore: /
  • Übersicht: /
  • Fähigkeiten: /

Flamebender Ka’graz

  • Lore: Flamebender Ka’graz has worked within the bellows of the Blackrock foundry imbuing weapons with the essence of flame, fueling the Iron Horde’s warmachine. With the help of her assistant Aknor Steelbringer they have forged weapons day and night for the Iron Horde’s conquest of Draenor.
  • Übersicht: Flamebender Ka’graz gains energy over time, unlocking new abilities at given thresholds. At 25 energy, Ka’graz casts Molten Torrent. At 50 energy, Ka’graz summons Cinder Wolves. At 75 energy, Ka’graz casts Blazing Radiance. At 100 energy, Ka’graz channels a Firestorm, fully consuming her energy and beginning the cycle anew.
  • Fähigkeiten:
  • Flambender Ka’graz
  • Aknor Steelbringer

Beastlord Darmac

Oregorger, The Devourer

  • Lore: Oregorger is an overgrown Goren who has burrowed his way into the Blackrock Foundry’s storage room and gluttonously consumed their Blackrock ore.
  • Übersicht: Oregorger is fought in a Blackrock storage room.His abilities spend his Blackrock Ore resource to cast. When he has spent all of his Blackrock Ore he begins rolling through the storage room consuming any Blackrock Ore he sees. Once Oregorger is full of Blackrock Ore, he stops rolling and returns to fighting.
  • Fähigkeiten:

The Iron Maidens

  • Lore: With little opportunity to exercise her tactical brilliance under the ancient social structure of the orc clans, Gar’an was thrilled to be one of the first warriors to volunteer for naval duty under the Iron Horde. Instantly successful in battle, she was named Admiral of the Iron Horde fleet and selected Marak and Sorka as her lieutenants. Together, they are called The Iron Maidens – and have crushed any who have dared face them in battle.
  • Übersicht: The Iron Maidens periodically gain Iron Fury. As the Maidens gain Iron Fury, they gain new abilities. Periodically, one of the Maidens will use a zipline to man the Dreadnaught’s main cannon, from which she will bombard players. A team of players must use loading chains to get to the deck of the boat, defeat the Deckhand stationed there, and sabotage the ammunition of the main cannon before it finishes Warming Up. Whenever one of the Maidens reaches 20% health, they will all activate Iron Will. Players must then quickly defeat them before being overwhelmed.
  • Fähigkeiten:

Operator Thogar
